Перейти до основного вмісту
Mar 10, 2025
14 o C
Відчувається: 12 o C. .
Вологість: 56 %
USD: 41.40 / 40.80 | EUR : 45.00 / 44.00

DOM №10

вул. Спаська, 10 Киев

An institution that tells the story of the house in Podil, where the sculptor lived with his family. The owners take into account all the traditions and features of the owners of this house.

The menu contains dishes from around the world, which are interpreted by the chef of the institution. I consider the pride of the institution a large collection of wines. The sommelier of this restaurant has collected the best varieties and types of wines from all over the world.

There are many original details in the interior, which the team of the institution carefully collected and restored. The owners have kept the sculptor's workshops, the greenhouse, the library and the spacious living room.

Дом 10 ресторан