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Oct 22, 2024
11 o C
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Humidity: 63 %
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Pochtova square

Postal Square is located on Podol, it has long been a separator between the upper and lower towns, for which it has long been called the “Gate of Podol”. Its shopping arcade was mentioned in the annals of the times of Kievan Rus, and it got its modern name from the Postal Station built in the 19th century. The territory was expanded and rebuilt in the 70s of the last century.

From the postal station that worked here in the 19th century, only the Station House has survived. Unfortunately, the rest of the buildings were demolished during the construction of the metro. The Church of the Nativity of Christ was demolished in the thirties. But walking along the square, you can see this temple almost in its original form. In 2003, the shrine was restored from photographs and surviving sketches of the architect.

There is also the Kyiv funicular, launched back in 1905. The trailers go up Vladimirskaya Gorka, taking passengers to the terrace of Vladimirskaya Gorka in a few minutes. During the ascent, you can quickly admire the city and the beauty of the Dnieper.

During the walk, you can see the Children's Monument to the founders of Kyiv, erected in 2017. This is a large circle with a detailed map of the city's attractions, which are played by three little boys. Their names are known to us from the history textbook: Kiy, Shchek, Khoriv. And nearby on a bench sits a girl - their sister Lybid.

After walking along the square, you can go down to the River Station and ride along the Dnieper River on a river bus for a couple of hours.

Почтовая площадь Киев
Почтовая площадь Киев
Почтовая площадь Киев