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Mar 10, 2025
6 o C
Feels like: 3 o C. .
Humidity: 70 %
USD: 41.40 / 40.80 | EUR : 45.00 / 44.00

Park Askold's Grave

The park is located in the Pechersky district, in the historical part of the city. It is broken on the site of an old necropolis, on a hillside descending to the banks of the Dnieper. According to legend, it was on this place that Askold was killed. Until the 19th century, a wooden church stood here, hiding Askold's grave in the basement, and rich and famous people were buried around.

The ruined cemetery became a park in the thirties of the last century. Now it is 25 hectares densely planted with maples, lindens, chestnuts, birches. Squirrels run freely in the park, birds sing, sometimes you can see a hedgehog.

The path from the main entrance leads down towards the Dnieper. Almost in the center is an unusual round temple-rotunda. This is the current Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker built at the beginning of the 19th century on Askold's grave. It is believed that it is under it that the burial place of St. Askold is located.

Nearby is a modern monument to the Heroes of Kruty. Previously, in the old cemetery there were burials of people who took part in the battle near Kruty. In the park, you can see the memorial sign “1100th anniversary of finding their homeland by the Hungarians” installed in 2007.

This is a pleasant place for quiet unhurried walks in a forest park with beautiful views of the Dnieper.